This recipe can also be cooked in a crock pot, and simmered all day. If fresh green beans are not available, use frozen. Just good ol' Southern style green...
This is a quick, easy and flavorful Thanksgiving favorite in our family, and can be served hot or cold (we prefer hot). Credit goes to Aunt Nell and Cousin...
While grilling out, we decided to try grilling fresh green beans. After having this, we will never have green beans another way. I use my own mixture of...
Simple and full of flavor microwave green beans. Steam it or stir-fry it. A good basic recipe that you can build on. Prepare it many ways with varying...
Always looking for a way to make green beans different, this one is such a winner. Green beans are sauteed with garlic, shallot and sesame seeds for a...
My mom gave me this recipe. It's been in the family for years. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do - it's a sure way to get my kids to eat green beans....
Sweet and tangy! This is a wonderful alternative to plain green beans or green bean casserole. It is quick and easy to make. Gives a unique twist to a...
My take on the long green beans you find in some of the Asian fusion restaurants. If you don't have the Szechuan peppercorns this dish will still taste...
I ate this with rice or coconut roti almost every evening in Sri Lanka-- I could not get enough of it! Using fresh ingredients is of the utmost importance....
Why take something that normally takes 5 minutes to cook and cook it for 2 hours? Because it produces one of the most delicious things you'll ever taste....
I found this among some recipes my husband's aunt sent me. I tried it once, and it became a family favorite immediately. I save it and use it in the summer...
Fresh green beans and fresh fennel cooked until crisp-tender are then briefly sauteed in extra-virgin olive oil, along with fresh basil and crumbled feta...
An irresistible combination of green beans, tomatoes, olive oil, and garlic that partners well with almost any entree. For a more colorful dish try a blend...
This green bean concoction is similar to others but not the same! This recipe offers optional 'speed cooking' to quickly get this fresh-tasting side dish...
These green beans and potatoes are a spectacular dish. I have been making them for years in large quantities for special events at my church. The smoked...
My husband wants desperately for me to patent and sell this recipe to a canner, but I want to share it with you! It is a huge hit at Thanksgiving and Christmas...
This is one of those dishes that tradition has snatched. Most everyone has a green bean dish on the menu for the holidays. The almonds are a nice detour...
Once upon a time, Dad received a similar recipe with a bundle of fresh green beans. He made the recipe once and then lost the card. After many attempts...
A salty-sweet side dish sure to please veggie-lovers and sweet-tooths alike! I can normally find a good-sized bag of fresh green beans at a fruit stand...
Not only is this easy to make at home but it's easy to take camping and also cook in the microwave. You can use diced tomatoes, stewed tomatoes, or whole...
My family would drink the sauce to this green bean dish, if I would let them! Your family will never look at Green Beans the same again. These beans are...
This recipe is irresistible! I have had this and only this for dinner on several occasions. Enjoy! Save time by purchasing beans already trimmed. I usually...
Steamed green beans tossed with butter, lemon zest, lemon juice and toasted walnuts. This is excellent with asparagus also. Pecans can be substituted for...
These are tasty alternatives to both regular french fries and also a way to get in your veggies! I make them by the truckload and freeze them. My husband...
Cheese and bacon liven up plain green beans. This dish can be served immediately after preparing, but I often refrigerate it overnight to let the flavors...
This is a simple yet delicious recipe to use some of the local farmers' market ingredients and common pantry items. Add more or less of any ingredient...